
Uit Apowiki

Hier moet de belangrijkste literatuur over Newman komen.
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Bij individuele lessen wordt (soms) onderaan een literatuurlijst gegeven van boeken specifiek over een onderdeel van die les.

1 Newmans leven en ontwikkeling

  • Vincent Ferrer Bhehl, Pilgrim Journey. John Henry Newman 1801-1845, London, New Yord, Burns and Oates, 2001.
  • Charles S. Dessain, John Henry Newman, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 31980 (1966).
  • Sean O'Faolain, Newman's way. A Biography, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1952.
  • Sheridan Gilley, Newman and his Age, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1990.
  • Ian Ker, John Henry Newman. A biography, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988. (= Ker)
  • Thomas Vargish, Newman. The Contemplation of Mind, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1970.
  • Juan R. Vélez, Passion for Truth. The Life of John Henry Newman, Tan Books, 2012.

2 Oxfordbeweging

  • Piers Brendon, Hurrell Froude and the Oxford Movement, London, Paul Elek, 1974.
  • Richard William Church, The Oxford Movement: Twelve Years 1833-1845, London, MacMillan and Co, 1891 (reprint).
  • Geoffry Faber, Oxford Apostles. A Character Study of the Oxford Movement, Penguin, 1933.
  • Christopher Dawson, The Spirit of the Oxford Movement, London, Sheed and Ward, 1933.
  • Robert Dudley Middleton, Newman and Bloxam: An Oxford Friendship, London, 1947.
  • Robert Dudley Middleton, Newman at Oxford, his religious Development, London, Oxford University Press, 1950.
  • Desmond Morse-Boycott, The Secret History of the Oxford Movement, London, Skeffington and Son, 1933.
  • Desmond Morse-Boycott, "Lead, Kindly Light: Studies of Saints and Heroes of the Oxford Movement", New York, Macmillan, 1933.
  • Marvin R. O'Connell, The Oxford Conspirators. A History of the Oxford Movement 1833-1845, Lanhan/New York/London, University of America Press, 1991.
  • S.L. Ollard, A Short History of the Oxford Movement, London, A.R. Mowbray, 1915.
  • Thomas Mozley, Reminiscences: Chiefly on Oriel College and the Oxford Movement, (2 vol.), London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1882.
  • Stephen Thomas, Newman and Heresy: the Anglican Years, Cambridge, University Press, 2002 (1991).
  • Frank M. Turner, John Henry Newman. The Challenge to Evangelical Religion,New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2002.