Afkortingen van Newmans werken

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Dit zijn de gebruikelijke afkortingen voor Newmans werken

Jaartal tussen vierkante haakjes = eerste uitgave.
Jaartal tussen ronde haakjes = standaard-editie. (Kan identiek zijn aan vorige)

Apo. Apologia pro Vita Sua: being a History of his Religious Opinions, 1921 [1864] (1873).
Ari. The Arians of the Fourth Century, 1895 [1833] (1871).
Ath. i,ii Select Treatises of St Athanasius in Controversy with the Arians, Freely translated by John Henry Newman. Two volumes, 1881 [1841, 1844] (1881).
A.W. John Henry Newman. Autobiographical Writings, edited by Henry Tristam, 1956.
Call. Callista. A tale of the Third Century, 1898 [1855] (1876).
Campaign My Campaign in Ireland. Part I (printed for private circulation) 1896.
Cath. Ser. Catholic Sermons of Cardinal Newman, edited at the Birmingham Oratory, 1957.
Cons. On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, edited by John Coulson, 1961.
D.A. Discussions and Arguments on Various Subjects, 1873 (1872).
Dev. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, 1968 [1845] (1878).
Diff. i-ii Certain Difficulties Felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching. Two volumes: volume i, 1918 [1850] (1879); volume ii, 1920 (1876).
Ess. i-ii Essays Critical an Historical. Two volumes, London, 1919 (1871).
G.A. An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, 1985 [1870].
Harper Harper Gordon Huntington, Cardinal Newman and William Froude, F.R.S.: A Correspondence, 1933.
H.S. i-iii Historical Sketches. Three volumes, 1876 (1872).
Idea The Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated, London, 1875 (1873) [1852, 1856 and 1858].
Insp. On the Inspiration of Scripture, edited by Derek J. Holmes and Robert Murray, 1967.
Jfc. Lectures on the Doctrine of Justification, 1892 [1838] (1874).
K.C. Correspondence of John Henry Newman with John Keble and Others, 1839-1845, edited at the Birmingham Oratory. London, 1917.
L.D. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volumes i-viii, 1978-99 (Clarendon) ; xi-xxii, 1961-72 (Nelson); xxiii-xxxi, 1973-77 (Clarendon).
L.G. Loss and Gain. The Story of a Convert, 1900 [1848] (1874).
M.D. Meditations and devotions of the Late Cardinal Newman, 1893.
Mir. Two Essays on Biblical an on Ecclesiastical Miracles, 1924 (1870).
Mix. Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations, 1902 [1849] (1871).
Moz. i-ii Lectures and Correspondence of John Henry Newman during his Life in the English Church, edited by Anne Mozley, two volumes, 1891.
N.O. Newman the Oratorian. His unpublished Oratory Papers, edited by Placid Murray, 1969.
O.A. Birmingham Oratory Archives.
O.S. Sermons Preached on Various Occasions, 1900 [1857] (1870).
Perrone "The Newman-Perrone Paper on Development", edited by T. Lynch, in: Gregorianum 16 (1935), 402-47.
Phil.N. ii The Philosophical Notebook of John Henry Newman. Edited by Edward Sillem. Volume ii, The Text, revised A.J. Boekraad, 1970.
Prepos. Lectures on the Present Position of Catholics in England, 1913 [1851] (1872).
P.S. i-viii Parochial and Plain Sermons, eight volumes, 1868 [1834-43] (1868).
S.D. Sermons Bearing on Subjects of the Day, 1869 [1843] (1869).
S.E. Stray Essays on Controversial Points, Variously Illustrated, Privately printed 1890.
S.N. Sermon Notes of John Henry Cardinal Newman. 1849-78. Edited by Fathers of the Birmingham Oratory, 1913.
Theses "Cardinal Newman's These de Fide and his Proposed Introduction to the French Translation of the University Sermons", edited by Henry Tristam, Gregorianum 18 (1937), 219-60.
T.P. i The Theological Papers of J.H. Newman on Faith and Certainty, edited by Hugo M. de Achaval and Derek J. Holmes, 1976.
T.P. ii The Theological Papers of John Henry Newman on Biblical Inspiration and on Infallibility, edited by Derek J. Holmes, 1979.
Tract 1-90 Tract for the Times, 1833-1841 (Deze zijn echter lang niet allemaal van Newman).
T.T. Tracts theological and Ecclesiastical, 1902 (1874).
U.S. Fifteen Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, 1871 [1843] (1871).
V.M. i-ii The Via Media of the Anglican Church. Illustrated in Lectures, Letters and Tracts Written Between 1830 and 1841, two volumes. Volume i, edited by H.D. Weidner, 1990 [1836] (1877), the original title: Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church Relatively to Romanism and Popular Protestantism. Volume ii, 1877 (1877).
V.V. Verses on Various Occasions, 1890 [1867] (1874).
Ward i-ii Wilfrid Ward, The Life of J.H. Cardinal Newman Based on his Private Journals and Correspondence, two volumes, 1912.